The One Clear Choice
The Leadership at Northstar Funding Partners is nationally renowned for their expertise in Premium Finance and Advanced Markets case design and funding. They have received awards for their exceptional skills in BGA and Premium Finance, making them a sought-after resource by national networks of BGA/IMO/FMO. Their reputation is built on their unmatched product and financial underwriting guidance, exceptional backroom service, and robust marketing support.
Our mission is to help each Independent Advisor, Broker Dealer and National BGA/IMO/FMO achieve the highest possible level of production while providing the most suitable and highly innovative solutions for clients. From medical and financial underwriting guidance to product and strategy recommendation and implementation Northstar Funding Partners provides only (Best in Class) services coupled with a strict adherence to the highest code of ethics, integrity and professionalism.
Independent Advisors, Broker Dealers and National Networks of BGA / IMO / FMO are truly the foundation of our success and serve as our daily motivation to make sure each relationship achieves maximum success. We honor and respect your choice in who earns your business and appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you.

meet our amazing team
The Faces Behind our Success
Kim Coulter
Pat Coulter
Jeffrey Sanders
Garrett Kohlman
Brock Brenneman
Pam Coulter
Stephanie Ford
Ann Marie
Jessica Gionet